Thursday, December 26, 2019

14 estados con licencias de manejar para indocumentados

En la actualidad, los siguientes estados permiten sacar la licencia de manejar a los migrantes indocumentados: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, Nuevo Mà ©xico, Oregon, Utah,Vermont y Washington. A ellos se sumà ³ el estado de Nueva York al aprobar la ley Green Light Bill en junio de 2019 y podrà ¡n sacarse las licencias a partir de diciembre. Ademà ¡s, los migrantes indocumentados tambià ©n pueden sacar la licencia de manejar en Washington D.C., la capital de Estados Unidos y en el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico. Cabe destacar que Texas, el segundo estado con mà ¡s poblacià ³n migrante, permite sacar la licencia de manejar a indocumentados. Texas, ademà ¡s, es un estado con legislacià ³n problemà ¡tica para la poblacià ³n sin papeles. Es importante conocer los requisitos mà ­nimos que se piden en cada estado, ya que son distintos y quà © quiere decir que no se puede utilizar como identificacià ³n o para usos federales. Ademà ¡s, es conveniente saber su relacià ³n con otras formas de identificacià ³n, como matrà ­cula consular y I.D. emitidos por algunas ciudades. 14 estados que permiten sacar la licencia de manejar a indocumentados y sus requisitos bà ¡sicos Por orden alfabà ©tico, son los siguientes: California. En aplicacià ³n de la ley AB60 ese estado permite sacar la licencia de manejar a los indocumentados que puedan probar residencia en California.  El permiso, que no puede ser utilizado como forma de identificacià ³n, tiene una marca que lo diferencia de las licencias emitidas a las personas que pueden probar que tienen estados migratorio legal en Estados Unidos. Colorado. En virtud de la ley SB 13-251, los migrantes indocumentados pueden solicitar el permiso de manejar. Para ello deben probar residencia en ese estado admitià ©ndose diferentes posibilidades. Por ejemplo, haber pagado income tax el aà ±o anterior, tener un nà ºmero de identificacià ³n fiscal conocido como ITIN y probar residencia por dos aà ±os con otros medios, etc. Connecticut. La ley HB 6495 autorizà ³ que los migrantes indocumentados puedan obtener la licencia de manejar en ese estado si pueden probar residencia en el mismo y nunca han sido condenados por un delito. Este permiso no puede utilizarse como identificacià ³n. Delaware. La ley SB 59 de ese estado autoriza a los indocumentados a obtener la licencia de manejar si prueban su residencia en ese estado mediante la planilla de pago de impuestos o porque han sido declarados como dependientes en las planillas de algà ºn residente. Tampoco vale como forma de identificacià ³n. Hawaii. La ley H 1007 autoriza la licencia para los indocumentados que puedan probar residencia en el archipià ©lago. Illinois. Por aplicacià ³n de la ley SB 0957, los migrantes indocumentados con mà ¡s de un aà ±o de residencia en el estado pueden sacar la licencia de manejar, que està ¡ marcada con una nota que hace referencia a su carà ¡cter de  ¨visitante temporal ¨.  Ademà ¡s, es necesario presentar el pasaporte o la matrà ­cula consular para probar la identidad. Este permiso de manejar de Illinois es và ¡lido por tres aà ±os. Maryland. La ley SB 715 autoriza la licencia de manejar para indocumentados que pagan impuestos en ese estado o son declarados como dependientes en las planillas de impuestos de un residente. Los permisos de este estado para indocumentados tienen un diseà ±o distinto a las regulares y, ademà ¡s de no poder ser utilizadas como identificacià ³n, se seà ±ala expresamente que no pueden ser utilizadas para comprar armas. Nevada. Este estado autorizà ³ las licencias de manejar para indocumentados con la ley SB 303. El permiso es ligeramente diferente al regular y no puede ser utilizado como identificacià ³n.   Nueva York. Este estado aprobà ³ la ley Green Light Bill el 17 de junio de 2019 autorizando manejar a los indocumentados manejar en ese estado. La ley entrarà ¡ en vigor a los 180 dà ­as y se estima que las primeras licencias podrà ¡n solicitarse en diciembre de ese aà ±o. Nuevo Mà ©xico. Este estado tiene una de las leyes mà ¡s antiguas que permiten obtener la licencia de manejar a indocumentados: la ley HB 173 del aà ±o 2003. Se ha intentado modificar para restringirla o incluso anular en varias ocasiones. Oregon. En aplicacià ³n de la ley HB2015 que entrà ³ en vigor en agosto de 2019. Cabe destacar que este estado ya tuvo con anterioridad leyes que autorizaron a manejar a indocumentados y que perdieron su validez. Utah. La ley SB 227 permite las licencias de manejar para indocumentados và ¡lidas por un aà ±o. Estos permisos son diferentes a los regulares y contienen la frase de que à ºnicamente son và ¡lidas para manejar. Vermont. En aplicacià ³n de la ley S 38, los migrantes indocumentados en ese estado pueden obtener una tarjeta que brinda el privilegio de manejar. Es necesario probar la identidad y residencia en ese estado. Washington. Este es el estado con la ley mà ¡s antigua en vigor autorizando a los indocumentados para sacar la licencia de manejar ya que la HB 1444 entrà ³ en aplicacià ³n en 1993. Ademà ¡s, es un estado que aunque tambià ©n exige residir dentro de su territorio, admite muchos documentos como prueba. Por ejemplo, pago de impuestos, factura de una utility, pago de matrà ­cula de universidad o transcripts de escuela, certificados de nacimiento de un hijo en ese estado o de matrimonio, etc. Y, por à ºltimo, la capital de los Estados Unidos, Washington D.C. tambià ©n permite, en aplicacià ³n de la ley B 20-275, la licencia de manejar para indocumentados. En este caso, es necesario probar residencia en la ciudad por mà ¡s de seis meses. La licencia, que es và ¡lida por 8 aà ±os, no sirve como identificacià ³n.    ¿Para quà © sirve la licencia de manejar para indocumentados? En principio, su funcià ³n es autorizar para manejar y para comprar un seguro de auto. La mayorà ­a las licencias estatales para indocumentados contienen una marca o una frase que las hace diferente a las regulares. Esto significa que no pueden ser utilizadas como identificacià ³n para asuntos federales o en edificios federales, como los de Inmigracià ³n, prisiones federales, bases militares, etc. Ademà ¡s, no se puede embarcar a un avià ³n mostrando documentos que no cumplan con los requisitos de la ley conocida como Real ID Act. Esto quiere decir que solamente se podrà ¡n utilizar como documentos para mostrar la identidad aquellas licencias de manejar que, para obtenerlas, hubiera sido necesario probar presencia legal en los Estados Unidos. Otras formas de identificacià ³n Ni la matrà ­cula consular ni los I.D. que emiten algunas ciudades como por ejemplo Nueva York, New Haven o San Francisco, pueden utilizarse para manejar legalmente o comprar seguro de auto. Tampoco con a normativa de la ley Real I.D. En cuanto a la validez de las licencias internacionales de manejar, à ©stas cumplen su funcià ³n, pero en ningà ºn caso sirven para sustituir la licencia de un estado y a pesar de lo que se dice, no son formas và ¡lidas para manejar para los indocumentados. De interà ©s para migrantes indocumentados Salvo por orden judicial, los indocumentados no està ¡n obligados a presentar a ninguna autoridad documentos que sirvan para establecer o probar su presencia irregular en los Estados Unidos. Para estar protegidos es importante conocer cuà ¡les son los derechos que se tienen, especialmente en caso de arresto o detencià ³n. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Inorganic Chemicals Cause Water Pollution - 756 Words

Inorganic chemicals is one of most important causes to water pollutants. These inorganic pollutants naturally found in environment but due to human develepment activities, these pollutant amount has been increasing rapidly and released into water bodies. The most common inorganic pollutants from water are ammonium, phosphorus, arsenic, cadmiun, zinc, lead etc. It is highly toxic to human and environment (Choi et al., 2011). The inorganic pollutant such as ammonia and phosphorus promote eutrophication, which excessive amounts of these inorganic pollutant releasing into the water can accelerate this phenomena in a few years (Donald M et al., 2002). The overgrowth of plants and subsequent death have been created green layer on the surface of water bodies. These layer can be blocked the penetration of light and oxidation process into the water bodies. Thus, depletion of dissolved oxygen can be occurred in the water and affected aquatic life. The death and decay of aquatic life contribut e unpleasant smells and increasing the turbidity of water bodies (Conley et al., 2009). In additional, the heavy metal such as arsenic can causes skin, lung, bladder, and kidney cancer as well as pigmentation changes, skin thickening (hyperkeratosis) neurological disorders, muscular weakness, loss of appetite, and nausea (Mohan and Pittman, 2007). The long term exposure to cadmium causes various types of acute and chronic disorders like pulmonary odema, erythrocyte destruction, skeletalShow MoreRelatedWater Pollution in Bangladesh1429 Words   |  6 PagesWater Pollution in Bangladesh INTRODUCTION Water is the most vital element among the natural resources, and is crucial for the survival of all living organisms. The environment, economic growth and development of Bangladesh are all highly influenced by water - its regional and seasonal availability, and the quality of surface and groundwater. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Integrated Marketing Communication Plan Management

Question: Discuss about the Integrated Marketing Communication Plan Management. Answer: Introduction: Over the past few decades, the clothing industry has been experiencing the robust growth due to the huge demand in both domestic and international market. The fashion industry has been changing its trends every day (Yeshin 2012). Consequently, the organizations dealing with the clothing industry need to follow the current trend for upholding the growth in the business. Without implementing innovative strategic approaches, the clothing companies would not be able to compete in the global market (Barker 2013). In this context, as an integrated marketing manager, I will discuss the integrated marketing plan of starting clothing company named Blush Boutique. The company is going to start up as the partnership based business. The particular business is a start-up establishment, which will be dealing with clothing for both men and women. By discussing the range of products of the company, it can be assessed that the organization will include the diverse products for enhancing the business within a short timeframe. As n integrated marketing manager, I can assess that the company will focus on the youth garments. The particular company will tailor the inventory process for meeting up the specific needs of the clients. Products: In the men section, the company will have the products such as T-shirt, Jeans, Formal Clothes, Party wear, under garments, etc. on the other hand, the organization will also include a wide range of female clothing. Besides this, the organization will also focus on the kid's department by including a diverse range of clothes. Blush Boutique also focuses on the style, color, and size of the products so that the clients prefer this particular brand repeatedly. Objectives: The Prime objective of the company is to enhance the sales by 10% within its 1st quarter. As an integrated manager of the company, I can assess that the particular organization will focus on spreading the products information to the large domestic areas. Without adopting unique strategic approaches, the organization would not be able to compete with the existing organizations in the market (Shimp and Andrews 2012). Aside this, the company is aiming at the establishment of an enhanced reputation in the domestic market. Moreover, the company will try to raise product awareness to 60 percent of the targeted customer market. The management of the organization has also discussed the fact that the company will focus on achieving a profit margin of 50%. The objectives can be summarized through below provided points. To enhance the sales of the business by 10% within 1st quarter To improve the profit margin up to 50% within the 1st year To raise the product awareness to 60% of the targeted customer Target audience segment analysis: Blush Boutique is a retail clothing organization including wide range of products for men, women, and kids. According to the management of the organization, youths are the prime target of the company. The company will focus on the current market trends so that they could easily understand the youths fashion demand. However, the organization will also include a range of products for the older audience. For instance, the company will also focus on female baby boomers. Hence, Blush Boutique would expect a particular section of the products to catch on the older generation. The company will segregate the products into different sections including festival wear, party wear, casual wear and formal wear. Moreover, each product section will be divided into two sections including youth and older collections. As discussed earlier that the company will focus on youth customers, Blush Boutique will manage to uphold a decent pricing policy. The management has discussed the fact that the high pric ing of the products may create challenges for them in engaging the youth customers. Beside this, at the initial stage, the company would not be able to enhance the business opportunities without offering high discount and low pricing. Communication objectives: As a start-up venture, Blush Boutique has several communication objectives including developing brand awareness, promoting products and services, influence the consumer attitudes, influence the buying intention, developing the product image, etc. (Blakeman 2014). In this context, some of these advertising objectives will be highlighted. Brand awareness: Brand awareness is one of the major parts of the business, as it facilitates the organization to enhance their trade opportunities in an efficient manner (Kotler et al. 2015). Blush Boutique will be facing high challenges from the existing companies. By enhancing the brand awareness program, the company would be able to spread their product knowledge to the large domestic areas (Thorson and Moore 2013). Without improving the brand awareness program, Blush Boutique would not be able to enhance the customer loyalty in an effective manner. On the other hand, the brand awareness would facilitate the organization in retargeting the audience of the business (Kim and Ko 2012). Promoting products and services: One of the major communication objectives of Blush Boutique is to promote the products and services in the large domestic marketplace. As a new venture, Blush Boutique will face huge challenges in enhancing the sales activities. As an integrated manager, I can identify the fact that the particular organization would not be able to improve the sales within small timeline without implementing the effective promotional strategies in the business. Blush Boutique will focus on delivering the high quality and unique range of products at an affordable cost. Hence, this particular services of the organization need to be promoted in an effective manner for the enhancement of the sales revenues within a certain timeframe. Influence the target audience: The prime objective of advertisement is to influence the audience for having the enhanced product experience. In this context, Blush Boutique will focus on targeting the youth audience for enhancing the business opportunities in an effective manner. According to the management, their high quality products and low pricing system would facilitate them in influencing the new customers to have the product experience. The organization will utilize the standard marketing strategies for influencing the audience of the business. Although the company has included the low pricing policy, they should focus on the product quality along with its availability to the customer. A wide range of unique product collection would facilitate Blush Boutique to target youth audience as well as middle age people. Creative advertisement style: In the recent years, most of the organizations focus on developing the creative the advertisement strategies in order to obtain profitable outcome out of the business (Parente and Strausbaugh-Hutchinson 2014). In this context, the organization called Blush Boutique would utilize the popular face of the fashion industry in order to promote the brand into the domestic market. However, the organization will try to consider the ethics of the business. For instance, the organization will provide all information about the product to the selected promotional face (Percy 2014). As the business will focus on engaging the youth, the promotional face may be from the sports background. Consequently, it would facilitate the Blush Boutique in attracting the youth audiences in an efficient manner. The prime communication objective of the organization is to enhance the sales by 10% within the 1st quarter. Hence, it can be identified that the company needs to implement enhanced advertising strategies in order to obtain profitable outcome out of the business. Besides this, the organization would be able to engage the youth customers by hiring the sports model for the promotional activities. Development of the media plan: Nowadays, advertisement strategies are the integral parts of the business, as it facilitates the organization in enhancing the business opportunities in an efficient manner (Black 2013). By discussing advertisement strategies in business, different business tools can be highlighted including search engine optimization, frequency card programs, inquiry follow-up method, and online video promotion (Castronovo and Huang 2012). On the other hand, the different promotional strategies such as contest, social media promotion, customer referral incentive program, end cap marketing, digital media and printing media facilitate the new and existing organizations in spreading the products and services related information to the large marketplace (Lusch and Vargo 2014). Social media and online video promotion: As a new business, Blush Boutique needs to penetrate the product promotion for enhancing the sales activities within short timeframe. After the invention of social media, most of the small and medium organizations have been successfully promoting their products to the large domestic market and even in the foreign marketplace (Schultz, Patti and Kitchen 2013). Hence, the particular organization named Blush Boutique will utilize the power of social media for promoting their unique range of products and services to the clients. The social media websites including Facebook and Google+ provide adequate opportunities to the organizations to promote their products and services in a relaxed environment (Papasolomou and Melanthiou 2012). The social networking sites not only a cost-effective platform for the new organizations but also a potential business tool allowing the companies in spreading the product information across the global platform (Porcu, delBarrio-Garca and Kitchen 2012). Nowad ays, the social media platform indicates the integral part of the daily life activities. Hence, the engagement of the promotional activities with the social media is one of the important factors for the business enhancement process (Cornelissen 2014). In this context, the organization called Blush Boutique is a new clothing venture. For avoiding extra promotional cost, the management would focus on the social media marketing in order to promote the wide range of products and services to the large domestic areas. Besides social media promotion, online video promotion would be the best possible solution for the enhancement of the product advertisement (Reinold and Tropp 2012). Nowadays, online video streaming becomes increasingly popular due to its easy access. For instance, YouTube video promotion is one of the trendy gateways for the organizations to promote their products and services to the large marketplace (Jankovic 2012). In this context, Blush Boutique would focus on the video promotion on the online platform to spread the knowledge about the products and services within a limited timeframe. The prime target of the Blush Boutique is to engage the youth audience into the business. Consequently, social media promotions and online video promotion are the most effective process of attracting the youth audiences, as the youth customers frequently connect with the social medias including Facebook, Google+, Twitter. On the other hand, the YouTube is another platform that allows the youth customers to acquire the product information in an efficient manner. Figure: Media vehicle(s) for promotion (Source: Brunello 2013) Measurement of the IMC plan and its effectiveness: The concept of the integrated marketing depends on several factors. In this context, the organization has an objective of enhancing the sales volume of the business within small timeframe. Moreover, it can be assessed that the organization will focus on grow the sales by 10% within the 1st quarter of the business. Consequently, the organization needs to include effective promotional activities for the enhancement of the business. Being an IMC manager of the organization, I can assess that Blush Boutique needs to conduct a survey on their promotional activities. The target audience of the organization is youth. Hence, the advertising committee of the company needs to conduct a survey where youths will be asked to take participate into the process. With the engagement of this particular process, the organization will be able to identify the effectiveness of implemented advertising strategies in the business. Besides this, Blush Boutique could also evaluate the popularity of their online video advertisement for measuring the integrated marketing communication. At the initial stage, the organization would not be able to identify the outcome of the integrated marketing process due to lack of resources. Being an IMC manager of the organization, I would suggest the organization to implement an enhanced monitoring system consists of some potential members, who would be responsible for measuring the outcome of the product advertisement. On the other hand, the objective of the business is to attract the youth customers. Hence, the monitoring team would be responsible for identifying the source of sales (Shani and Chalasani 2013). Aside this, the management has discussed that they would try to improve their sales margin by the 1st quarter. Hence, the marketing team of the organization would focus on the promotional activities. The management would understand the outcome of the integrated marketin g communication through analyzing the 1st year annual report of the business. Hence, it can be assessed that the organization needs to analyze the advertising activities of the business for enhancing the trade opportunities in an efficient manner. On the other hand, the suggestion or the feedbacks of the customers would be beneficial for the company, as it allows Blush Boutique to understand the key development areas in the business. References: Barker, R., 2013. Strategic integrated communication: An alternative perspective of integrated marketing communication?.Communicatio,39(1), pp.102-121. Black, S., 2013.Practice of Public Relations. Routledge. Blakeman, R., 2014.Integrated marketing communication: creative strategy from idea to implementation. Rowman Littlefield. Brunello, A., 2013. The relationship between integrated marketing communication and brand equity.International Journal of Communication Research,3(1), p.9. Castronovo, C. and Huang, L., 2012. Social media in an alternative marketing communication model.Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness,6(1), p.117. Cornelissen, J., 2014.Corporate communication: A guide to theory and practice. Sage. Jankovic, M., 2012. Integrated Marketing Communications and Brand Identity Development.Management (1820-0222), (63). Kim, A.J. and Ko, E., 2012. Do social media marketing activities enhance customer equity? An empirical study of luxury fashion brand.Journal of Business Research,65(10), pp.1480-1486. Kotler, P., Burton, S., Deans, K., Brown, L. and Armstrong, G., 2015.Marketing. Pearson Higher Education AU. Lusch, R.F. and Vargo, S.L., 2014.The service-dominant logic of marketing: Dialog, debate, and directions. Routledge. Papasolomou, I. and Melanthiou, Y., 2012. Social media: Marketing public relations new best friend.Journal of Promotion Management,18(3), pp.319-328. Parente, D. and Strausbaugh-Hutchinson, K., 2014.Advertising campaign strategy: A guide to marketing communication plans. Cengage Learning. Percy, L., 2014.Strategic integrated marketing communications. Routledge. Porcu, L., del Barrio-Garca, S. and Kitchen, P.J., 2012. How Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) works? A theoretical review and an analysis of its main drivers and effects/ Cmo funciona la Comunicacin Integrada de Marketing (CIM)? Una revisin terica y un anlisis de sus antecedentes y efectos.Comunicacin y sociedad,25(1), p.313. Reinold, T. and Tropp, J., 2012. Integrated marketing communications: How can we measure its effectiveness?.Journal of Marketing Communications,18(2), pp.113-132. Schultz, D., Patti, C.H. and Kitchen, P.J., 2013.The evolution of integrated marketing communications: The customer-driven marketplace. Routledge. Shani, D. and Chalasani, S., 2013. Exploiting niches using relationship marketing.Journal of Services Marketing. Shimp, T.A. and Andrews, J.C., 2012.Advertising promotion and other aspects of integrated marketing communications. Cengage Learning. Thorson, E. and Moore, J., 2013.Integrated communication: Synergy of persuasive voices. Psychology Press. Yeshin, T., 2012.Integrated marketing communications. Routledge.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Slavetrade work Essay Example

Slavetrade work Essay In our first response task of the Slavetrade work we were asked to arrange ourselves into pairs (my partner was Dean Parmar). We then agreed that I were to be the slave master type character and Dean was to be the slave. Were told that we were to walk past one another from opposite sides of the stage, when doing this one of us was to look down on the other with disgust and anger (slave master) as a way of intimidating the other (slave), we were to do this in mime with no words spoken. As the slave master I decided that I would towards Dean in a slow formal manor with my back straight an my head raised upwards however when I reached the point of walking past him I almost glanced at him with a look of disgust as if he was worthless and then when he looked back at me for a mere moment, I simply stopped and glared at him, by doing this I was able to create an intimidation and fear within dean (s character). By pressing myself towards him I forced him to back down and fall to the floor, I continued with my disgusted look staring directly into his eyes and examining up and down his person. As I slowly continued to stare at dean as he got up and ran away I made sure that I followed his movement so as to ensure that the fear installed within him continued and that I did not want him to turn and look at me again, however I remained gentleman like and formal in my stature and movement away from the scene by keeping my back straight and having slow steady paces. Following on from this stage of the Slavetrade work we had to develop our intimidation and fear factors. In order to do this we explore the different ways in which we could show aggression and fear through the use of not only our facial expressions but our physical expressions as well e.g. use of pointing and cursing and anger amongst the facial tone whilst adding a small but effective use of speech. When it came to deploying this during the lesson myself and Dean worked together pointed out what the best way for each other to act out the task. I suggested to dean that in order to show how he was intimidated he should cower and make whimpering sounds and stutter the words oooh and errr which help to emphasise his fear and confusion at how and what to say to the dominant slave master, and Dean would suggest the best way to show to him that I was the superior character, we almost used this style of working as method acting finding out the best way to maximise our realism through the ex ploration of our own fears and weaknesses to intimidation and our own feelings of anger and resentment and how best to portray this as a character. We will write a custom essay sample on Slavetrade work specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Slavetrade work specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Slavetrade work specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In this same task where I was to develop myself as the slave master/gentleman, in order to do this myself and dean decided that I was use my physical presence as the dominating factor continuing to look down upon dean, as dean reacted to this and became scare I pointed directly and him as he cowardly looked away, I made a strong toned deep expression of disgusting as I looked upon him. Dean then proceeded to scurry off as fast as he could and I followed him with my eyes continuing to glare upon him but kept my body tall and straight, I did this in order to distinctly show that I was the superior being and that I was in charge, should dean have shown a lack of respect or not acted in the way he did (as a slave) then as a slave master I could have had him beaten or killed and so I had to continually show this domination throughout the task and not just when in interaction with Dean. As he scurried off dean apologised profusely and in my character response to this I simply laughed, I di d this to show that the slaves words meant nothing to me and as if to show that he did not deserve the right to apologise and speak to me, this created the humiliation factor within Deans character because we were to imagine that this was in the middle of a busy London street and so hundreds of people were around us at the time. I feel that by using my physical presence over dean it was clear to the audience who was in charge and I feel that the collaboration of what would affect each other in a personal level created the realism to the task. Within the next section of the response tasks we were to work in a group of three, myself and dean stayed together and we added Glenn Jenkins to the group. In this task we were to show how the bullying of a slave were to be unpleasant on both parts of the situation, both with the slave and how he felt and with the superior characters and how they went about it. We had a prop in this task, one chair and we decided that Glenn would play as the slave in the first part of this new task. I was to continue acting as the salve master type character. Dean and I were to surround Glenn as he sat on the chair and begin circling him using basic skills to intimidate and scare him. We did this by making disgusted expression on our face by grimacing and frowning, by gritting our teeth and pointing at him moving closer and further away in simultaneous actions and ultimately by laughing at him making Glenn feel small and worthless, we continued with the idea of using our own experiences and relaying the feelings into our acting and so we collaborated with each other before hand to see how best to scare Glenn as we were to develop the ways in which we to do this and so this is how we came up with the idea of creating the encroached atmosphere when we moved close to him and then created the dizzy unpleasant atmosphere as we continued to move in and out whilst circling him. In response to this Glenn began to cower and began shaking, he did not look us in the eye but instead turned his head in eh opposite direction which also showed the interaction between the two sets of characters. To develop this we added power speech and stronger expressions, we began pointing at him making our arms and hands be right up in his face and by doing this Glenn told us that he became self conscious and was acting as though he didnt want to be there, I began to shout abuse at him calling him worthless, disgusting and vile and Dean began to follow up on this by emphasising the words that I was saying and from the discussions within our group after the task Glenn said that he felt extremely intimidated and at one point said that he really felt that the way we were acting was our true feelings towards him and this was highlighted as we began to crescendo our abuse of the word vile towards him and he began to put his hands over his face and ears because he himself didnt want to take that kind of bullying and began to feel embarrassed at the situation he was in and that the other members in the group could see him this showed how he felt without him having to portray his facial tone and expression to the audience from the back of the stage. In the final section of the response tasks we had to work as a whole group and we elaborated on the previous task continuing with the circle with the slave in the centre. In this task we were to further develop our ideas of insult, fear, expression, tone, anger and speech as well as our physical presence over the slave. We also had to develop the realism, whereas in the previous two tasks of the development we achieved a quality of acting and performed the characterisation well the interaction was not totally complete and it didnt have the dramatic or emotional effect of what slaves had to suffer during the Slavetrade era. The slave had to act as if he was boy amongst men and was at breaking point both emotionally and physically and for this he had to look very solemn and upset and would have to have put themselves in the era when black slaves were bullied because they simply were not seen as equal to those superior to them and so it had to be performed as a professional and serious piece of drama. In order to make our reactions and feelings realistic we would have to improvise to the situation but improvising within our characters and reacting in a way that they would have reacted in. Within this circle we were to continue circling moving closer towards the slave when making individual remarks of disgust towards him and to develop this we had to think of the ultimate way to intimidate and scare the slave, we decided to elaborate on myself, dean and glens groups idea of chanting certain words and a member of the group came up with the idea of chanting dirty scum . . . good for nothing, I suggested that in order to make this really powerful we emphasised the words scum and nothing. We used the feedback from those in the group that had played slaves in the previous tasks as to how this could be emphasised well and they suggested that we build the chant up in a crescendo from quieter to louder. This helped to develop our knowledge of the effect of sound and speech within our acting skills. Chris Freeman was the chosen slave and we started the chant and the circling of him from far out and agreed as a group that the best way to intimidate would be to slowly close in on him as we chanted, Chris reacted to this closing in by himself spinning and looking at the various faces all of which used the grimacing and the teeth gritting to show the anger and hate and so he himself was bombarded by the depth to which the verbal attack was having and how much it was emphasised and made worse by the physical presence, he showed his fear by slowly crawling up into a ball as we encroached him and began pushing him about and forcing him to the floor and we decided that from an audience point of view we could only see small picture type shots through the superior bodies of his terror and he closed his eyes and held his hands over his ears to show this. We as a group were then stuck as to how a powerful end to this piece of drama could be done and so were forced to halt this particular dr ill. We agreed that we would continue with all of the above but that when Chris was completely surrounded and forced to the floor and our chanting was at the height of its loudness he would put one hand on his back ( as he was facing the ground at this point). This was to be used as a signal the rest of us in the group that we were to immediately stop the chanting and turn around slowly in silence and walk away leaving Chris alone in the middle upset and feeling completely worthless just as slaves would have felt hundreds of years ago when such mobs attacks took place.