Thursday, December 26, 2019

14 estados con licencias de manejar para indocumentados

En la actualidad, los siguientes estados permiten sacar la licencia de manejar a los migrantes indocumentados: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, Nuevo Mà ©xico, Oregon, Utah,Vermont y Washington. A ellos se sumà ³ el estado de Nueva York al aprobar la ley Green Light Bill en junio de 2019 y podrà ¡n sacarse las licencias a partir de diciembre. Ademà ¡s, los migrantes indocumentados tambià ©n pueden sacar la licencia de manejar en Washington D.C., la capital de Estados Unidos y en el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico. Cabe destacar que Texas, el segundo estado con mà ¡s poblacià ³n migrante, permite sacar la licencia de manejar a indocumentados. Texas, ademà ¡s, es un estado con legislacià ³n problemà ¡tica para la poblacià ³n sin papeles. Es importante conocer los requisitos mà ­nimos que se piden en cada estado, ya que son distintos y quà © quiere decir que no se puede utilizar como identificacià ³n o para usos federales. Ademà ¡s, es conveniente saber su relacià ³n con otras formas de identificacià ³n, como matrà ­cula consular y I.D. emitidos por algunas ciudades. 14 estados que permiten sacar la licencia de manejar a indocumentados y sus requisitos bà ¡sicos Por orden alfabà ©tico, son los siguientes: California. En aplicacià ³n de la ley AB60 ese estado permite sacar la licencia de manejar a los indocumentados que puedan probar residencia en California.  El permiso, que no puede ser utilizado como forma de identificacià ³n, tiene una marca que lo diferencia de las licencias emitidas a las personas que pueden probar que tienen estados migratorio legal en Estados Unidos. Colorado. En virtud de la ley SB 13-251, los migrantes indocumentados pueden solicitar el permiso de manejar. Para ello deben probar residencia en ese estado admitià ©ndose diferentes posibilidades. Por ejemplo, haber pagado income tax el aà ±o anterior, tener un nà ºmero de identificacià ³n fiscal conocido como ITIN y probar residencia por dos aà ±os con otros medios, etc. Connecticut. La ley HB 6495 autorizà ³ que los migrantes indocumentados puedan obtener la licencia de manejar en ese estado si pueden probar residencia en el mismo y nunca han sido condenados por un delito. Este permiso no puede utilizarse como identificacià ³n. Delaware. La ley SB 59 de ese estado autoriza a los indocumentados a obtener la licencia de manejar si prueban su residencia en ese estado mediante la planilla de pago de impuestos o porque han sido declarados como dependientes en las planillas de algà ºn residente. Tampoco vale como forma de identificacià ³n. Hawaii. La ley H 1007 autoriza la licencia para los indocumentados que puedan probar residencia en el archipià ©lago. Illinois. Por aplicacià ³n de la ley SB 0957, los migrantes indocumentados con mà ¡s de un aà ±o de residencia en el estado pueden sacar la licencia de manejar, que està ¡ marcada con una nota que hace referencia a su carà ¡cter de  ¨visitante temporal ¨.  Ademà ¡s, es necesario presentar el pasaporte o la matrà ­cula consular para probar la identidad. Este permiso de manejar de Illinois es và ¡lido por tres aà ±os. Maryland. La ley SB 715 autoriza la licencia de manejar para indocumentados que pagan impuestos en ese estado o son declarados como dependientes en las planillas de impuestos de un residente. Los permisos de este estado para indocumentados tienen un diseà ±o distinto a las regulares y, ademà ¡s de no poder ser utilizadas como identificacià ³n, se seà ±ala expresamente que no pueden ser utilizadas para comprar armas. Nevada. Este estado autorizà ³ las licencias de manejar para indocumentados con la ley SB 303. El permiso es ligeramente diferente al regular y no puede ser utilizado como identificacià ³n.   Nueva York. Este estado aprobà ³ la ley Green Light Bill el 17 de junio de 2019 autorizando manejar a los indocumentados manejar en ese estado. La ley entrarà ¡ en vigor a los 180 dà ­as y se estima que las primeras licencias podrà ¡n solicitarse en diciembre de ese aà ±o. Nuevo Mà ©xico. Este estado tiene una de las leyes mà ¡s antiguas que permiten obtener la licencia de manejar a indocumentados: la ley HB 173 del aà ±o 2003. Se ha intentado modificar para restringirla o incluso anular en varias ocasiones. Oregon. En aplicacià ³n de la ley HB2015 que entrà ³ en vigor en agosto de 2019. Cabe destacar que este estado ya tuvo con anterioridad leyes que autorizaron a manejar a indocumentados y que perdieron su validez. Utah. La ley SB 227 permite las licencias de manejar para indocumentados và ¡lidas por un aà ±o. Estos permisos son diferentes a los regulares y contienen la frase de que à ºnicamente son và ¡lidas para manejar. Vermont. En aplicacià ³n de la ley S 38, los migrantes indocumentados en ese estado pueden obtener una tarjeta que brinda el privilegio de manejar. Es necesario probar la identidad y residencia en ese estado. Washington. Este es el estado con la ley mà ¡s antigua en vigor autorizando a los indocumentados para sacar la licencia de manejar ya que la HB 1444 entrà ³ en aplicacià ³n en 1993. Ademà ¡s, es un estado que aunque tambià ©n exige residir dentro de su territorio, admite muchos documentos como prueba. Por ejemplo, pago de impuestos, factura de una utility, pago de matrà ­cula de universidad o transcripts de escuela, certificados de nacimiento de un hijo en ese estado o de matrimonio, etc. Y, por à ºltimo, la capital de los Estados Unidos, Washington D.C. tambià ©n permite, en aplicacià ³n de la ley B 20-275, la licencia de manejar para indocumentados. En este caso, es necesario probar residencia en la ciudad por mà ¡s de seis meses. La licencia, que es và ¡lida por 8 aà ±os, no sirve como identificacià ³n.    ¿Para quà © sirve la licencia de manejar para indocumentados? En principio, su funcià ³n es autorizar para manejar y para comprar un seguro de auto. La mayorà ­a las licencias estatales para indocumentados contienen una marca o una frase que las hace diferente a las regulares. Esto significa que no pueden ser utilizadas como identificacià ³n para asuntos federales o en edificios federales, como los de Inmigracià ³n, prisiones federales, bases militares, etc. Ademà ¡s, no se puede embarcar a un avià ³n mostrando documentos que no cumplan con los requisitos de la ley conocida como Real ID Act. Esto quiere decir que solamente se podrà ¡n utilizar como documentos para mostrar la identidad aquellas licencias de manejar que, para obtenerlas, hubiera sido necesario probar presencia legal en los Estados Unidos. Otras formas de identificacià ³n Ni la matrà ­cula consular ni los I.D. que emiten algunas ciudades como por ejemplo Nueva York, New Haven o San Francisco, pueden utilizarse para manejar legalmente o comprar seguro de auto. Tampoco con a normativa de la ley Real I.D. En cuanto a la validez de las licencias internacionales de manejar, à ©stas cumplen su funcià ³n, pero en ningà ºn caso sirven para sustituir la licencia de un estado y a pesar de lo que se dice, no son formas và ¡lidas para manejar para los indocumentados. De interà ©s para migrantes indocumentados Salvo por orden judicial, los indocumentados no està ¡n obligados a presentar a ninguna autoridad documentos que sirvan para establecer o probar su presencia irregular en los Estados Unidos. Para estar protegidos es importante conocer cuà ¡les son los derechos que se tienen, especialmente en caso de arresto o detencià ³n. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Inorganic Chemicals Cause Water Pollution - 756 Words

Inorganic chemicals is one of most important causes to water pollutants. These inorganic pollutants naturally found in environment but due to human develepment activities, these pollutant amount has been increasing rapidly and released into water bodies. The most common inorganic pollutants from water are ammonium, phosphorus, arsenic, cadmiun, zinc, lead etc. It is highly toxic to human and environment (Choi et al., 2011). The inorganic pollutant such as ammonia and phosphorus promote eutrophication, which excessive amounts of these inorganic pollutant releasing into the water can accelerate this phenomena in a few years (Donald M et al., 2002). The overgrowth of plants and subsequent death have been created green layer on the surface of water bodies. These layer can be blocked the penetration of light and oxidation process into the water bodies. Thus, depletion of dissolved oxygen can be occurred in the water and affected aquatic life. The death and decay of aquatic life contribut e unpleasant smells and increasing the turbidity of water bodies (Conley et al., 2009). In additional, the heavy metal such as arsenic can causes skin, lung, bladder, and kidney cancer as well as pigmentation changes, skin thickening (hyperkeratosis) neurological disorders, muscular weakness, loss of appetite, and nausea (Mohan and Pittman, 2007). The long term exposure to cadmium causes various types of acute and chronic disorders like pulmonary odema, erythrocyte destruction, skeletalShow MoreRelatedWater Pollution in Bangladesh1429 Words   |  6 PagesWater Pollution in Bangladesh INTRODUCTION Water is the most vital element among the natural resources, and is crucial for the survival of all living organisms. The environment, economic growth and development of Bangladesh are all highly influenced by water - its regional and seasonal availability, and the quality of surface and groundwater. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Integrated Marketing Communication Plan Management

Question: Discuss about the Integrated Marketing Communication Plan Management. Answer: Introduction: Over the past few decades, the clothing industry has been experiencing the robust growth due to the huge demand in both domestic and international market. The fashion industry has been changing its trends every day (Yeshin 2012). Consequently, the organizations dealing with the clothing industry need to follow the current trend for upholding the growth in the business. Without implementing innovative strategic approaches, the clothing companies would not be able to compete in the global market (Barker 2013). In this context, as an integrated marketing manager, I will discuss the integrated marketing plan of starting clothing company named Blush Boutique. The company is going to start up as the partnership based business. The particular business is a start-up establishment, which will be dealing with clothing for both men and women. By discussing the range of products of the company, it can be assessed that the organization will include the diverse products for enhancing the business within a short timeframe. As n integrated marketing manager, I can assess that the company will focus on the youth garments. The particular company will tailor the inventory process for meeting up the specific needs of the clients. Products: In the men section, the company will have the products such as T-shirt, Jeans, Formal Clothes, Party wear, under garments, etc. on the other hand, the organization will also include a wide range of female clothing. Besides this, the organization will also focus on the kid's department by including a diverse range of clothes. Blush Boutique also focuses on the style, color, and size of the products so that the clients prefer this particular brand repeatedly. Objectives: The Prime objective of the company is to enhance the sales by 10% within its 1st quarter. As an integrated manager of the company, I can assess that the particular organization will focus on spreading the products information to the large domestic areas. Without adopting unique strategic approaches, the organization would not be able to compete with the existing organizations in the market (Shimp and Andrews 2012). Aside this, the company is aiming at the establishment of an enhanced reputation in the domestic market. Moreover, the company will try to raise product awareness to 60 percent of the targeted customer market. The management of the organization has also discussed the fact that the company will focus on achieving a profit margin of 50%. The objectives can be summarized through below provided points. To enhance the sales of the business by 10% within 1st quarter To improve the profit margin up to 50% within the 1st year To raise the product awareness to 60% of the targeted customer Target audience segment analysis: Blush Boutique is a retail clothing organization including wide range of products for men, women, and kids. According to the management of the organization, youths are the prime target of the company. The company will focus on the current market trends so that they could easily understand the youths fashion demand. However, the organization will also include a range of products for the older audience. For instance, the company will also focus on female baby boomers. Hence, Blush Boutique would expect a particular section of the products to catch on the older generation. The company will segregate the products into different sections including festival wear, party wear, casual wear and formal wear. Moreover, each product section will be divided into two sections including youth and older collections. As discussed earlier that the company will focus on youth customers, Blush Boutique will manage to uphold a decent pricing policy. The management has discussed the fact that the high pric ing of the products may create challenges for them in engaging the youth customers. Beside this, at the initial stage, the company would not be able to enhance the business opportunities without offering high discount and low pricing. Communication objectives: As a start-up venture, Blush Boutique has several communication objectives including developing brand awareness, promoting products and services, influence the consumer attitudes, influence the buying intention, developing the product image, etc. (Blakeman 2014). In this context, some of these advertising objectives will be highlighted. Brand awareness: Brand awareness is one of the major parts of the business, as it facilitates the organization to enhance their trade opportunities in an efficient manner (Kotler et al. 2015). Blush Boutique will be facing high challenges from the existing companies. By enhancing the brand awareness program, the company would be able to spread their product knowledge to the large domestic areas (Thorson and Moore 2013). Without improving the brand awareness program, Blush Boutique would not be able to enhance the customer loyalty in an effective manner. On the other hand, the brand awareness would facilitate the organization in retargeting the audience of the business (Kim and Ko 2012). Promoting products and services: One of the major communication objectives of Blush Boutique is to promote the products and services in the large domestic marketplace. As a new venture, Blush Boutique will face huge challenges in enhancing the sales activities. As an integrated manager, I can identify the fact that the particular organization would not be able to improve the sales within small timeline without implementing the effective promotional strategies in the business. Blush Boutique will focus on delivering the high quality and unique range of products at an affordable cost. Hence, this particular services of the organization need to be promoted in an effective manner for the enhancement of the sales revenues within a certain timeframe. Influence the target audience: The prime objective of advertisement is to influence the audience for having the enhanced product experience. In this context, Blush Boutique will focus on targeting the youth audience for enhancing the business opportunities in an effective manner. According to the management, their high quality products and low pricing system would facilitate them in influencing the new customers to have the product experience. The organization will utilize the standard marketing strategies for influencing the audience of the business. Although the company has included the low pricing policy, they should focus on the product quality along with its availability to the customer. A wide range of unique product collection would facilitate Blush Boutique to target youth audience as well as middle age people. Creative advertisement style: In the recent years, most of the organizations focus on developing the creative the advertisement strategies in order to obtain profitable outcome out of the business (Parente and Strausbaugh-Hutchinson 2014). In this context, the organization called Blush Boutique would utilize the popular face of the fashion industry in order to promote the brand into the domestic market. However, the organization will try to consider the ethics of the business. For instance, the organization will provide all information about the product to the selected promotional face (Percy 2014). As the business will focus on engaging the youth, the promotional face may be from the sports background. Consequently, it would facilitate the Blush Boutique in attracting the youth audiences in an efficient manner. The prime communication objective of the organization is to enhance the sales by 10% within the 1st quarter. Hence, it can be identified that the company needs to implement enhanced advertising strategies in order to obtain profitable outcome out of the business. Besides this, the organization would be able to engage the youth customers by hiring the sports model for the promotional activities. Development of the media plan: Nowadays, advertisement strategies are the integral parts of the business, as it facilitates the organization in enhancing the business opportunities in an efficient manner (Black 2013). By discussing advertisement strategies in business, different business tools can be highlighted including search engine optimization, frequency card programs, inquiry follow-up method, and online video promotion (Castronovo and Huang 2012). On the other hand, the different promotional strategies such as contest, social media promotion, customer referral incentive program, end cap marketing, digital media and printing media facilitate the new and existing organizations in spreading the products and services related information to the large marketplace (Lusch and Vargo 2014). Social media and online video promotion: As a new business, Blush Boutique needs to penetrate the product promotion for enhancing the sales activities within short timeframe. After the invention of social media, most of the small and medium organizations have been successfully promoting their products to the large domestic market and even in the foreign marketplace (Schultz, Patti and Kitchen 2013). Hence, the particular organization named Blush Boutique will utilize the power of social media for promoting their unique range of products and services to the clients. The social media websites including Facebook and Google+ provide adequate opportunities to the organizations to promote their products and services in a relaxed environment (Papasolomou and Melanthiou 2012). The social networking sites not only a cost-effective platform for the new organizations but also a potential business tool allowing the companies in spreading the product information across the global platform (Porcu, delBarrio-Garca and Kitchen 2012). Nowad ays, the social media platform indicates the integral part of the daily life activities. Hence, the engagement of the promotional activities with the social media is one of the important factors for the business enhancement process (Cornelissen 2014). In this context, the organization called Blush Boutique is a new clothing venture. For avoiding extra promotional cost, the management would focus on the social media marketing in order to promote the wide range of products and services to the large domestic areas. Besides social media promotion, online video promotion would be the best possible solution for the enhancement of the product advertisement (Reinold and Tropp 2012). Nowadays, online video streaming becomes increasingly popular due to its easy access. For instance, YouTube video promotion is one of the trendy gateways for the organizations to promote their products and services to the large marketplace (Jankovic 2012). In this context, Blush Boutique would focus on the video promotion on the online platform to spread the knowledge about the products and services within a limited timeframe. The prime target of the Blush Boutique is to engage the youth audience into the business. Consequently, social media promotions and online video promotion are the most effective process of attracting the youth audiences, as the youth customers frequently connect with the social medias including Facebook, Google+, Twitter. On the other hand, the YouTube is another platform that allows the youth customers to acquire the product information in an efficient manner. Figure: Media vehicle(s) for promotion (Source: Brunello 2013) Measurement of the IMC plan and its effectiveness: The concept of the integrated marketing depends on several factors. In this context, the organization has an objective of enhancing the sales volume of the business within small timeframe. Moreover, it can be assessed that the organization will focus on grow the sales by 10% within the 1st quarter of the business. Consequently, the organization needs to include effective promotional activities for the enhancement of the business. Being an IMC manager of the organization, I can assess that Blush Boutique needs to conduct a survey on their promotional activities. The target audience of the organization is youth. Hence, the advertising committee of the company needs to conduct a survey where youths will be asked to take participate into the process. With the engagement of this particular process, the organization will be able to identify the effectiveness of implemented advertising strategies in the business. Besides this, Blush Boutique could also evaluate the popularity of their online video advertisement for measuring the integrated marketing communication. At the initial stage, the organization would not be able to identify the outcome of the integrated marketing process due to lack of resources. Being an IMC manager of the organization, I would suggest the organization to implement an enhanced monitoring system consists of some potential members, who would be responsible for measuring the outcome of the product advertisement. On the other hand, the objective of the business is to attract the youth customers. Hence, the monitoring team would be responsible for identifying the source of sales (Shani and Chalasani 2013). Aside this, the management has discussed that they would try to improve their sales margin by the 1st quarter. Hence, the marketing team of the organization would focus on the promotional activities. The management would understand the outcome of the integrated marketin g communication through analyzing the 1st year annual report of the business. Hence, it can be assessed that the organization needs to analyze the advertising activities of the business for enhancing the trade opportunities in an efficient manner. On the other hand, the suggestion or the feedbacks of the customers would be beneficial for the company, as it allows Blush Boutique to understand the key development areas in the business. References: Barker, R., 2013. Strategic integrated communication: An alternative perspective of integrated marketing communication?.Communicatio,39(1), pp.102-121. Black, S., 2013.Practice of Public Relations. Routledge. Blakeman, R., 2014.Integrated marketing communication: creative strategy from idea to implementation. Rowman Littlefield. Brunello, A., 2013. The relationship between integrated marketing communication and brand equity.International Journal of Communication Research,3(1), p.9. Castronovo, C. and Huang, L., 2012. Social media in an alternative marketing communication model.Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness,6(1), p.117. Cornelissen, J., 2014.Corporate communication: A guide to theory and practice. Sage. Jankovic, M., 2012. Integrated Marketing Communications and Brand Identity Development.Management (1820-0222), (63). Kim, A.J. and Ko, E., 2012. Do social media marketing activities enhance customer equity? An empirical study of luxury fashion brand.Journal of Business Research,65(10), pp.1480-1486. Kotler, P., Burton, S., Deans, K., Brown, L. and Armstrong, G., 2015.Marketing. Pearson Higher Education AU. Lusch, R.F. and Vargo, S.L., 2014.The service-dominant logic of marketing: Dialog, debate, and directions. Routledge. Papasolomou, I. and Melanthiou, Y., 2012. Social media: Marketing public relations new best friend.Journal of Promotion Management,18(3), pp.319-328. Parente, D. and Strausbaugh-Hutchinson, K., 2014.Advertising campaign strategy: A guide to marketing communication plans. Cengage Learning. Percy, L., 2014.Strategic integrated marketing communications. Routledge. Porcu, L., del Barrio-Garca, S. and Kitchen, P.J., 2012. How Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) works? A theoretical review and an analysis of its main drivers and effects/ Cmo funciona la Comunicacin Integrada de Marketing (CIM)? Una revisin terica y un anlisis de sus antecedentes y efectos.Comunicacin y sociedad,25(1), p.313. Reinold, T. and Tropp, J., 2012. Integrated marketing communications: How can we measure its effectiveness?.Journal of Marketing Communications,18(2), pp.113-132. Schultz, D., Patti, C.H. and Kitchen, P.J., 2013.The evolution of integrated marketing communications: The customer-driven marketplace. Routledge. Shani, D. and Chalasani, S., 2013. Exploiting niches using relationship marketing.Journal of Services Marketing. Shimp, T.A. and Andrews, J.C., 2012.Advertising promotion and other aspects of integrated marketing communications. Cengage Learning. Thorson, E. and Moore, J., 2013.Integrated communication: Synergy of persuasive voices. Psychology Press. Yeshin, T., 2012.Integrated marketing communications. Routledge.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Slavetrade work Essay Example

Slavetrade work Essay In our first response task of the Slavetrade work we were asked to arrange ourselves into pairs (my partner was Dean Parmar). We then agreed that I were to be the slave master type character and Dean was to be the slave. Were told that we were to walk past one another from opposite sides of the stage, when doing this one of us was to look down on the other with disgust and anger (slave master) as a way of intimidating the other (slave), we were to do this in mime with no words spoken. As the slave master I decided that I would towards Dean in a slow formal manor with my back straight an my head raised upwards however when I reached the point of walking past him I almost glanced at him with a look of disgust as if he was worthless and then when he looked back at me for a mere moment, I simply stopped and glared at him, by doing this I was able to create an intimidation and fear within dean (s character). By pressing myself towards him I forced him to back down and fall to the floor, I continued with my disgusted look staring directly into his eyes and examining up and down his person. As I slowly continued to stare at dean as he got up and ran away I made sure that I followed his movement so as to ensure that the fear installed within him continued and that I did not want him to turn and look at me again, however I remained gentleman like and formal in my stature and movement away from the scene by keeping my back straight and having slow steady paces. Following on from this stage of the Slavetrade work we had to develop our intimidation and fear factors. In order to do this we explore the different ways in which we could show aggression and fear through the use of not only our facial expressions but our physical expressions as well e.g. use of pointing and cursing and anger amongst the facial tone whilst adding a small but effective use of speech. When it came to deploying this during the lesson myself and Dean worked together pointed out what the best way for each other to act out the task. I suggested to dean that in order to show how he was intimidated he should cower and make whimpering sounds and stutter the words oooh and errr which help to emphasise his fear and confusion at how and what to say to the dominant slave master, and Dean would suggest the best way to show to him that I was the superior character, we almost used this style of working as method acting finding out the best way to maximise our realism through the ex ploration of our own fears and weaknesses to intimidation and our own feelings of anger and resentment and how best to portray this as a character. We will write a custom essay sample on Slavetrade work specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Slavetrade work specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Slavetrade work specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In this same task where I was to develop myself as the slave master/gentleman, in order to do this myself and dean decided that I was use my physical presence as the dominating factor continuing to look down upon dean, as dean reacted to this and became scare I pointed directly and him as he cowardly looked away, I made a strong toned deep expression of disgusting as I looked upon him. Dean then proceeded to scurry off as fast as he could and I followed him with my eyes continuing to glare upon him but kept my body tall and straight, I did this in order to distinctly show that I was the superior being and that I was in charge, should dean have shown a lack of respect or not acted in the way he did (as a slave) then as a slave master I could have had him beaten or killed and so I had to continually show this domination throughout the task and not just when in interaction with Dean. As he scurried off dean apologised profusely and in my character response to this I simply laughed, I di d this to show that the slaves words meant nothing to me and as if to show that he did not deserve the right to apologise and speak to me, this created the humiliation factor within Deans character because we were to imagine that this was in the middle of a busy London street and so hundreds of people were around us at the time. I feel that by using my physical presence over dean it was clear to the audience who was in charge and I feel that the collaboration of what would affect each other in a personal level created the realism to the task. Within the next section of the response tasks we were to work in a group of three, myself and dean stayed together and we added Glenn Jenkins to the group. In this task we were to show how the bullying of a slave were to be unpleasant on both parts of the situation, both with the slave and how he felt and with the superior characters and how they went about it. We had a prop in this task, one chair and we decided that Glenn would play as the slave in the first part of this new task. I was to continue acting as the salve master type character. Dean and I were to surround Glenn as he sat on the chair and begin circling him using basic skills to intimidate and scare him. We did this by making disgusted expression on our face by grimacing and frowning, by gritting our teeth and pointing at him moving closer and further away in simultaneous actions and ultimately by laughing at him making Glenn feel small and worthless, we continued with the idea of using our own experiences and relaying the feelings into our acting and so we collaborated with each other before hand to see how best to scare Glenn as we were to develop the ways in which we to do this and so this is how we came up with the idea of creating the encroached atmosphere when we moved close to him and then created the dizzy unpleasant atmosphere as we continued to move in and out whilst circling him. In response to this Glenn began to cower and began shaking, he did not look us in the eye but instead turned his head in eh opposite direction which also showed the interaction between the two sets of characters. To develop this we added power speech and stronger expressions, we began pointing at him making our arms and hands be right up in his face and by doing this Glenn told us that he became self conscious and was acting as though he didnt want to be there, I began to shout abuse at him calling him worthless, disgusting and vile and Dean began to follow up on this by emphasising the words that I was saying and from the discussions within our group after the task Glenn said that he felt extremely intimidated and at one point said that he really felt that the way we were acting was our true feelings towards him and this was highlighted as we began to crescendo our abuse of the word vile towards him and he began to put his hands over his face and ears because he himself didnt want to take that kind of bullying and began to feel embarrassed at the situation he was in and that the other members in the group could see him this showed how he felt without him having to portray his facial tone and expression to the audience from the back of the stage. In the final section of the response tasks we had to work as a whole group and we elaborated on the previous task continuing with the circle with the slave in the centre. In this task we were to further develop our ideas of insult, fear, expression, tone, anger and speech as well as our physical presence over the slave. We also had to develop the realism, whereas in the previous two tasks of the development we achieved a quality of acting and performed the characterisation well the interaction was not totally complete and it didnt have the dramatic or emotional effect of what slaves had to suffer during the Slavetrade era. The slave had to act as if he was boy amongst men and was at breaking point both emotionally and physically and for this he had to look very solemn and upset and would have to have put themselves in the era when black slaves were bullied because they simply were not seen as equal to those superior to them and so it had to be performed as a professional and serious piece of drama. In order to make our reactions and feelings realistic we would have to improvise to the situation but improvising within our characters and reacting in a way that they would have reacted in. Within this circle we were to continue circling moving closer towards the slave when making individual remarks of disgust towards him and to develop this we had to think of the ultimate way to intimidate and scare the slave, we decided to elaborate on myself, dean and glens groups idea of chanting certain words and a member of the group came up with the idea of chanting dirty scum . . . good for nothing, I suggested that in order to make this really powerful we emphasised the words scum and nothing. We used the feedback from those in the group that had played slaves in the previous tasks as to how this could be emphasised well and they suggested that we build the chant up in a crescendo from quieter to louder. This helped to develop our knowledge of the effect of sound and speech within our acting skills. Chris Freeman was the chosen slave and we started the chant and the circling of him from far out and agreed as a group that the best way to intimidate would be to slowly close in on him as we chanted, Chris reacted to this closing in by himself spinning and looking at the various faces all of which used the grimacing and the teeth gritting to show the anger and hate and so he himself was bombarded by the depth to which the verbal attack was having and how much it was emphasised and made worse by the physical presence, he showed his fear by slowly crawling up into a ball as we encroached him and began pushing him about and forcing him to the floor and we decided that from an audience point of view we could only see small picture type shots through the superior bodies of his terror and he closed his eyes and held his hands over his ears to show this. We as a group were then stuck as to how a powerful end to this piece of drama could be done and so were forced to halt this particular dr ill. We agreed that we would continue with all of the above but that when Chris was completely surrounded and forced to the floor and our chanting was at the height of its loudness he would put one hand on his back ( as he was facing the ground at this point). This was to be used as a signal the rest of us in the group that we were to immediately stop the chanting and turn around slowly in silence and walk away leaving Chris alone in the middle upset and feeling completely worthless just as slaves would have felt hundreds of years ago when such mobs attacks took place.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Benefits and Application of Database Packages

Benefits and Application of Database Packages Introduction The aim of this paper is to reflect on the benefits of Database processes in business operations. Actually, database refers to data collection that is prepared and arranged in computer systems in order to choose quickly preferred items. The effective use of database is enhanced by the manner in which information is organized orderly in ascending documentation.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Benefits and Application of Database Packages specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Indeed, manual recording has been faced with many shortcomings, for example it is complicated process thus ineffective. This paper also examines how database packages can be applied in business processes. Surely, database systems are invented to enable businessmen to manage and restore information (data collection) in an ordered way. Importance of Database in Firms’ Business Operations Database process is beneficial to busi nessmen when it comes to processing, collecting and storing information (Solove, 2001). For example, business operation will be more effective when businessmen know their suppliers, competitors and consumers. According to Mukherjee Duncan (2000), several business lack resources to process and collect huge amount of information. â€Å"This means that they do not have vital information on whether consumers buy goods repeatedly, how progress is their business and how profitable are they† (Mukherjee Duncan, 2000). Such important information is beneficial in shaping business strategy and handling operational business challenges. Businessmen should gather much information from database which are beneficial in future operation of their businesses. Solove (2001) claimed: Database operation is important because it minimizes resources and time utilized in managing data; it enables businessmen a capability to evaluate data in many ways; it is an effective system of management of data; it transforms disparate idea to be useful information; and promotes quality of information (p.24). Database Application According to (Mukherjee Duncan, 2000), several business operations like insurance, banking, publishing and manufacturing commercial businesses need to use database systems because of their business demands. Indeed, there are two database systems, relational (structured) and single (flat) file databases (Solove, 2001). Moreover, Mukherjee Duncan (2000) explained:Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Database system that a businessman may need depends on: amount of data that requires to be processed and stored; whether more than single individual are required to amend and access data; and data complexity in terms of sound, plain text and image files (p.32). When a business operation is not complex, for example managing one hundred consumers, a businessman may use effectively database package like spreadsheet. On the other hand, Solove (2001) viewed that a complicated business operation may require sophisticated packages like Sybase, Microsoft Access, Oracle, Informix and Filmmaker Pro. Such are particularly made to sort huge quantity of data, for example, enabling businessmen to handle payments processes, clients’ names and products ordered (Mukherjee Duncan, 2000). Database is important particularly to businesses which require huge quantity of information. Furthermore, â€Å"database process is a tool which is beneficial to build effective applications like inventory and sale ordering management in business operation† (Solove, 2001). In fact, â€Å"database devices make effective management and maintenance of data structured files. Such tools have strict parameters in order to instill accuracy and integrity in its task† (Mukherjee Duncan, 2000). For instance, any alteration that happens in the da ta will never be affected or corrupted whenever the process fails. Moreover, database enhances efficiency because it enables many users to utilize the data simultaneously (Solove, 2001). Database is most important when business application is shaped to meet the needs of businessmen. Indeed, specifying business need is special involvement that calls for a professional developer (Mukherjee Duncan, 2000).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Benefits and Application of Database Packages specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to Solove (2001), the modern database process utilizes SQL processing (Structured Query Language) that enables evaluation of data and thus reports are built in various ways. Such reports created are beneficial in coordinating business processes while promoting customers’ demands. Conclusion The use, collection, and processing of information is important in business operation. For ex ample, many business processes may be effectively managed when the information is stored accurate and updated. Any application which may make work engaged more effective and easier should be embraced without doubt. Database has significant role in Information Technology because its capability to process structured information is what drives business efficiency. References Mukherjee, S., and Duncan, G. (2000). Optimal Disclosure Limitation Strategy in Statistical Databases: Deterring Tracker Attacks through Addictive Noise. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 95, 4-8. Solove, D. (2001). Privacy and power: Computer Databases and Metaphors for Information Privacy. Stanford Law Review, 53, 35-40.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Employment Trends Services Industry Soars

Employment Trends Services Industry Soars For many job seekers, employment reports have indicated that jobs, particularly in the service industry, are plentiful. Recent unemployment numbers have held steady at 5.3 percent, representing a seven-year low. It is expected that the last two quarters will post a trend toward even more encouraging employment numbers. Sector GrowthSome sectors are posting an increase in the number of available jobs. For instance, growth in health care, retail, technology, professional services and finance jobs is encouraging. At the same time, some areas such as the energy sector posted lower job offerings, largely due to the glut in oil and decreased commodity prices. Overall, the service industry posted the largest gains. The biggest decrease was found  in the manufacturing sector.Service Sector and Retail Trade GrowthThe U.S. Department of Labor noted that the majority of job growth is related to the upswing in service sector jobs. Food service jobs grew by 376,000 in the past year, the leaderà ‚  in all sectors. This trend is the strongest and is positioned for greater growth. The growth of 322,000 jobs in the past year among retail workers is also encouraging. Creating a perfect retail resume is your first step to take if you want to apply for retail jobs.Other Sectors With GainsGains were seen in other sectors, with health care jobs adding 28,000 jobs for the month and 436,000 for the year. Jobs available in hospitals rose by 16,000. Computer design grew by a modest 9,000 jobs, while engineering and architectural jobs gained about 6,000 positions. Transportation-related jobs grew by 146,000 overall.Health Care JobsThe rise in health care jobs is related to demographic changes including an aging population and health insurance modification. These changes make  health care a good sector for aspiring job applicants.Dental and nurse practitioner jobs also offer a potential for rapid growth and an excellent salary base. Health care assistant jobs overall are plentiful.Look ing for a JobBeing aware of job offerings is the first step in gaining employment. Older methods of using job want ads are limited, and more applicants are turning to online searches to find work. TheJobNetwork provides you with a way to stay on top of jobs as they become available, letting you apply quickly before the position is filled.TheJobNetwork lets you search a vast database filled with opportunities obtained from various sources. This free-to-use database makes it easy by listing your job preferences and criteria as well as your qualifications. When matching jobs are found, an email alert is sent to you. Signing up with this job search platform enhances your chance of securing the type of employment you want.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Police Agencies Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Police Agencies - Assignment Example The DeKalb County Sherriff's Deputies start at about $33,492 per year and move up to $51,281 after 5 years ( They enjoy 33 days off per year after 6 months, partially paid insurance, paid overtime, paid training, and uniforms. Illinois Conservation Police enjoy paid vacation days, sick days, personal days, and holidays; overtime compensation; uniforms, equipment, and vehicles; life and hospitalization insurance ( Starting salary is $3127/month; after a one year CPO certification the salary increases to $4136/month with an excellent retirement/pension plan. Illinois State Troopers start at $48,192 per year but require advanced training to apply ( FBI Agents start at about $45,000 per year and can make as much as $120,251 after twenty years ( There seem to be certain disparities in pay between agencies. For example, note that the city police make far less than the most of the other agencies. State troopers and university police start higher than FBI agents.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Construction management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Construction management - Assignment Example To correct this and improve productivity I proposed that the targets and goal be realistic that the workforce is able to achieve. If this was not possible then an increase in the workforce was necessary to ensure that the delays are over. Lean system has the clients in mind and by so doing; the system is able to create the customer and not what is available and easy for production need whatever. Value streaming is also a special characteristic that makes lean system sufficient Ahmed (2010 p.g 34). The system is able to identify where recourses are less and come up with situations where the recourses are wasted and there is need for the recourses to be minimised for maximising their use. With lean production system, we get to know the flow of the recourses and the cash. To keep with customer demands, lean production system is able to come up with pull, which is effective in identifying and combining the total efforts that the customer and the worker use. No one is perfect but we can always strive for perfection. We make this possible by the lean system, which provides an environment for the managers to try to work perfectly. We can as well use Lean construction services to improve our production. Lean construction provides clear goals on developing basic practices and goals regarding the project, which we are working on. The operating system is able to create awareness as well as understanding the project goals. We are also able to interact with various companies who are experiencing the same problems and know how they have dealt with their own problems Ahmed (2010 p.g 34). To reduce any risk o overrun and liquidated damages, we have to use the cost plus the fixed percentage contract. In this type of contract, we are able to receive the actual fee of the construction job and a fixed fee that will act as the profit. This will in return give us a reduced risk of any liquidated risk. If we are

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Class Test on Micro Economics Essay Example for Free

Class Test on Micro Economics Essay i) All questions in this section are compulsory ii) Marks for questions are indicated against each iii) Answers for very short answer questions carrying 1 mark must be answered in ONE sentence each iv) Answers for short answer questions carrying 3 marks each should not normally exceed 60 words v) Answers for short answer questions carrying 4 marks each should normally not exceed 70 words vi) Answers for long answer questions carrying 6 marks each should not normally exceed 100 words each. vii) Answers should be brief and to the point – The above word limits should be adhered to as far as possible. 1. Name the characteristic which make monopolistic competition different from perfect competition[1] 2. Why is demand for water inelastic?[1] 3. State one feature of oligopoly[1] 4. In which market form is the demand perfectly inelastic?[1] 5. Distinguish between increase in demand and increase in quantity demanded[3] 6. Goods X and Y are substitutes. Explain the effect of a fall in price of Y on the demand for X.[3] 7. At a price of Rs. 5 per unit of a commodity A, total revenue is Rs 800. When its price rises by 20%, total revenue increases by Rs. 400. Calculate its rice elasticity of demand[3] 8. Explain the implication of freedom to entry and exit of firms under perfect competition[3] 9. Given below is the cost schedule of a firm. Its average fixed cost is Rs 20 When it is producing 3 units. |Output |1 |2 |3 | |Average Variable cost (Rs.) |30 |28 |32 | Calculate its marginal cost and average total cost at each given level of output.[3] 10 Explain the features of â€Å"What to produce† OR Explain any two main features of centrally planned economy.[4] 12. When the price of a commodity falls by Rs. 2 per unit, its quantity demanded increases by 10 units. Its price elasticity is (-)1. Calculate its quantity demanded on its equilibrium price.[4] 13. Explain the effect of increase in income of buyers of a normal commodity on its equilibrium price.[4] 14. State whether the following statements are true or false: Give reasons for your answer (a) When total revenue is constant, average revenue will be constant. (b) Average variable cost can fall even when marginal product is rising (c) When marginal product falls, average product will also fall.[6] 15. Explain the law of variable proportions with the help of total and marginal product curves. [6] 16 Explain producers equilibrium with the help of a marginal cost and marginal revenue schedule [6]

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Problem of Pornography Essay -- Argumentative Essay, Censorship 201

  In the United States someone has to be eighteen years old before they can buy pornography, but just because they have to be eighteen to buy it doesn't mean they have to be eighteen to look at it. Everywhere around the Internet one may stumble upon pornography where anyone, including children, may look at it. Pornography is not something to be proud of and is not something that our children should be able to see randomly on the Internet or in a store at a young age.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In Susan Brownmiller"s essay, "Let"s Put Porn Back in the Closet," she argues that "pornography represents hatred of women, that pornography"s intent is to humiliate, degrade, and dehumanize the female body for the purpose of erotic stimulation and pleasure," which I completely agree with. (Brownmiller 53.) Women that respect themselves or other women would never pose for any type of pornography. People should never look at a woman as if they are just an object in a magazine or movie. Women should be respected and so should their privacy.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When I was growing up, pornography was not something peopl...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Project Management Email Essay

In response to your email, our team has analyzed each project. In your email, you stated that the selected project should generate revenue within 12 month of next week’s PMO Review. You also stated that we should also consider the degree of risk involved with on-time completion, the critical path requirement and cost, and the effective life cycle and forecasted ROI. In order to make a recommendation, we took into account the scope of each project and whether it will meet the desired outcome, within your desired constraints. PROJECT JUNIPER The critical path for Project Juniper would be six months, which would be October 2015. The costs associated with this project would be less than the others, $325,000; however, the potential revenue is only $250,000. In addition, its break-even point is slightly less than three years, with a forecasted life cycle of only 2-3 years. PROJECT PALOMINO The critical path for Project Palomino would be nine months, which would be January 2016. The costs associated with this project would be $655,000, with revenues as low as $450,000. However, using a 5% margin of error, this could be more profitable with its break-even point of seven years. The issue we are worried about is that this would also be the end of the project’s life of seven years. PROJECT STARGAZER The critical path for Project Stargazer would be ten months, which would be February 2016. The costs associated with this project would be $575,000. The break-even point is one and a half years, with a seven-year life cycle. In addition, the company has already started on the research of the widgets, allowing the company a faster start up time, which will fit into the 12-month timeframe given. Even though the risks may be higher, the  technology of this project will help dilute the risk, as well as the ability to increase price using skimming price strategy. This project is innovative and can have various modifications, which will enable the company to satisfy a larger customer base. Our team recommends Piper Industries to accept Project Stargazer. FIVE PHASES 1. Concept Development/Project Conception – Data of customer’s needs will be collected, competition will be identified, and the idea for a project will be carefully examined to determine whether or not it benefits the organization. During this phase, feasibility, risk, and return on investment will be analyzed. The project is already at this stage, with the research and the costs being well documented. 2. Project Planning – This step is the most important step. The team will decide on a budget, set timelines, and identify available resources, materials, and expertise to ensure on-time delivery, clarify roles and responsibilities, and identify roadblocks. A project plan, project charter and/or project scope may be put in writing, which will outline the work to be performed. The team will prioritize, calculate a budget and schedule, and determine what resources are needed. 3. Project Execution – The project manager clarifies roles and responsibilities, timelines, and individual deadlines. There is constant communication to ensure tasks are completed on time and to specification. For this project, execution will take place 12 months after the PMO meeting. 4. Project Performance and Control – The project manager monitors timeline, plan, and team performance. They will also conduct review meetings and periodic project performance reports to review the budget. The project managers will also compare the status of the project to the actual plan to keep the project on schedule. If there are key constraints affecting project success, the necessary adjustments will be made. This step is necessary to improve quality, delivery time and the launch timings for market capture. 5. Project Close – This is the final phase of the project. Project tasks are completed and the client has approved the outcome. An evaluation can be done at this point, along with closing all contracts and settling all bills. Documentation can be used for future projects. The project team is released. KEY DELIVERABLES Aside from the dates and costs mention about, the project team decided on five key deliverables for Project Stargazer. They are as follows: 1. To launch the new line of widgets quickly, infiltrating into an existing competitive market. 2. Increase revenues, utilizing modifications and increasing sales during the maturity stage. 3. The team will provide product testing and analysis, meeting client requirements 4. In order to gain and/or retain reluctant customers, increase the product lifestyle and hold as a market leader. 5. Use customization to highlight the flexibility of the widget and introduce new products. REFERENCES Jacobs, F.R., & Chase, R. (2011). Operations and supply chain management (13th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Nestor-Harper, M. (n.d.). Tasks in the Five Phases of Project Management | Retrieved April 24, 2014, from

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Misuse knowledge Essay

One of the notable books I have read is Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut. It is a memorable and meaningful book that has a great impact on my personality. I was able to discover many things not only about life, society and history but also about mankind itself. One of the concepts satirized in the book is scientists and the scientific approach as a whole. The book shows science as a cold and inconsiderate entity, one that comes from man’s obsession for what Vonnegut argues is fruitless knowledge, as man will only misuse knowledge. It depicts many things and I was able to realize that the book is of great help in learning about science and its relation to people on earth. Aside from the fact that I read the book out of requirement of my English Grade Twelve class, I became personally touched by the story because it highlights how science can be misused against man and cause undesirable consequences. I became more aware of my actions and promised myself to put more importance to science once I become a professional. The book discusses pessimisms in an increase in man’s moral figure but still I view it very differently. For me, it is a precaution of sorts for men and women of science to not seek science for the sake of science itself, but rather for the betterment of man and society as a whole, and how engineers in particular must be responsible with their creations lest it be used against their common man.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Oil In our society today, consumption of oil has become as common as food or beverage consumption. We use oil everyday. Oil is used for many things such as: raw material for many plastics, heating in winter, medicines, clothing, paint, transportation, and pesticides. "Crude Oil can be refined into gas, gasoline, kerosene, gas oil, fuel oil, and long residue" (Cohan, Emily 1). By using oil for basically everything, this natural resource is likely to last for only a short period of time. It seems as if we are always running out of oil and each barrel we use brings us one step closer to completely running out. However, we are finding new oil everyday. "Despite being a very mature producing region, the U.S. Geological Survey and the Minerals Management Service, have estimated that the U.S. still has substantial undiscovered oil and gas resources." Untapped resources are still coming up and are of use (American Petroleum Institute 1).United StatesIn 1859, Pennsylvania put up the world's first oil well (Clifford, Dick 3). According to the American Petroleum Institute, "Oil and natural gas together equal 65 percent of our nation's energy." That is an incredible amount of energy. Without that energy, our world would be in a lot of danger. We would run out of everyday materials such as: rubber, electricity, and other things that we need for existence. In 1904, Captain William Matson proved oil was more efficient than coal. Oil was thereafter used for gasoline in the new cars, in steamers, and in sugar refineries. A ton of coal equals the same amount of energy as 4 barrels of oil (Cohan, Emily, 1). Wow! If people could actually realize how much that actually is then the world would be saved! Think of how much money people could save on...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Very Good Editors Must Pay Attention to the Details

Very Good Editors Must Pay Attention to the Details Its often said that the brains of human beings have two very distinct sides, with the left side being responsible for language, logic, and math, while the right handles spatial abilities, face recognition and processing music. Editing is also very much a two-sided process, one that we divvy up as micro- and macro-editing. Micro-editing deals with the technical, nuts-and-bolts aspects of news writing. Macro-editing deals with the content of stories. Heres a checklist of micro- and macro-editing: Micro-Editing AP Style Grammar Punctuation Spelling Capitalization Macro-Editing The lede - does it make sense, is it supported by the rest of the story, is it in the first graf? The story - is it fair, balanced and objective? Libel - are there any statements that might be considered libelous? Substance - is the story thorough and complete? Are there any holes in the story? Writing - is the story well-written? Is it clear and understandable? Personality Type and Editing As you can imagine, certain personality types are probably better at one type of editing or the other. Precise, detail-oriented people are probably best at micro-editing, while big-picture types probably excel at macro-editing. Small Details vs. Content of Stories And in a typical newsroom, especially at larger news outlets, there is a kind of micro-macro division of labor. Copy desk editors generally focus on the small details - grammar, AP Style, punctuation and so on. Assignment editors who run the various sections of a paper - city news, sports, arts and entertainment and so on - generally focus more on the macro side of things, the content of stories. But heres the rub - a good editor has to be able to do both micro- and macro-editing, and to do both well. This is especially true at smaller publications and student newspapers, which typically have fewer staffers. Not Getting Caught up in Small Details to Lose the Big Picture In other words, you must have the patience to correct bad grammar, misspelled words and punctuation problems. But you cant let yourself get so caught up in the small details that you lose sight of the big picture, i.e., does the lede of the story make sense? Is the content well-written and objective? Does it cover all the bases and answer all the questions a reader would likely have? Both Are Equally Important The larger point is this - both micro- and macro-editing are equally important. You can have the most wonderfully written story in the world, but if its filled with AP Style errors and misspelled words then those things will detract from the story itself. Likewise, you can fix all the bad grammar and misplaced punctuation but if a story makes no sense, or if the lede is buried in the eighth paragraph, or if the story is biased or contains libelous content, then all the fixes you made wont amount to much. To see what we  mean, take a look at these sentences: Police said they confiscated three point two million dollars of cocain in what was a massiv drug bust. The CEO of Exon estimated that 5% of the companys profits would be plouwed back into resarch and development. Im sure youve figured out that these sentences primarily involve micro-editing. In the first sentence, cocaine and massive are spelled wrong and the dollar amount doesnt follow AP Style. In the second sentence, Exxon, plowed and research are misspelled, the percentage doesnt follow AP Style, and companys needs an apostrophe. Now, look at these sentences. The first example is meant to be a lede: There was a fire at a house last night. It was on Main Street. The fire burned the house to the ground and three children inside were killed. The CEO, who is known for his money-grubbing personality, said he would close the factory if it lost money. Here we see macro-editing problems. The first example is three sentences long when it should be one, and it buries the most important aspect of the story - the death of three children. The second sentence includes a potentially libelous bias - the money-grubbing CEO. As you can see, whether its micro- or macro-editing, a good editor has to catch every mistake in every story. As editors will tell you, theres no room for error.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Mr Cod Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Mr Cod - Essay Example The company manages its operations through specialised American machinery to international standards, but with a difference. Mr Cod has its roots firmly targeting British sentiments and maintains a high quality that is synonymous of its service. Mr Cod's special Fish and Chips and other famous chicken products are, in the opinion of its staunch supporters and existing franchisees, superior to any multinational competitor. Mr Cod is the brainchild of Mr John Brewer, a pioneer of fast food franchising in the UK, and a former director of Kentucky Fried Chicken. He became a founder member of the British Franchise Association in 1977, and a founder member of the British Fast Food Federation in 1978 (Mr. Cod, Mr. Cod Background and History, The fast-food industry has seen a remarkable upward trend in recent years in the UK. It was estimated that this business industry, which, if coffee shops were included, was valued at around 10.78bn, in 2005, an increase of 4% to the corresponding period the previous year. It's quite easy to predict the cause for this growth pattern. With globalisation come opportunities. Its not just here in the UK or in Europe, but the world itself is becoming one big union. China was the first to break the communist jinx and follow a path to liberalisation and open market. This opened the floodgates and multinational companies took advantage of the benefits of cheap labour and raw materials to establish and expand their market presence there. It didn't take long for other Asian countries to recognise the benefit of liberalisation. Soon others joined the bandwagon to economic freedom and FDI. Perhaps one might wonder what this has got to do with the fast food industry. Time! Just about everyone competes with the other for space. Fast-paced and time restrained, the people who make things happen, have just no time to share the table with their colleagues and family. Gone are the days when families got together on weekends over a barbeque and had fun. Today, the world is fast-paced. Only those who have the inclination and dedication for fast-paced life, survive. Breakfasts during transit, business meetings over lunch, and late dinner are a part of an executive's life. Liberalisation and globalisation has brought countries closer to each other. With more and more conglomerates setting up their business in other countries, competition has become stiff. Time is money and people just don't seem to have the time to sit over a cup of coffee with a paper in their hand. This phenomenon has created opportunities for hoteliers and other like-minded entrepreneurs as well. Fast food for the fast-paced! Just about every corner of the street is occupied by a burger or hot dog vendor making a decent income by sunset. Welcome to the world of fast foods. This tradition has caught the imagination of almost all people

Friday, November 1, 2019

Edgewires Automated Phone System Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Edgewires Automated Phone System - Case Study Example They serve a niche market of vacationers who desire adventure in their holidays. Thus, call centre operators became immersed in and learned how to provide adventure seekers satisfying holiday experiences. Not only are such holidays off the beaten path but they typically require special equipment. Edgewire's operators coordinate with suppliers to fulfil all their customers' needs. Satisfaction of thrill-seeking customers is obviously healthy or else Edgewire couldn't have grown into a robust business if its operators delivered inferior adventures. Today's situation is that goals #1 and #2 have evolved into apparent conflict. In the interest of long-term stability, Edgewire's management firmly believe they must install an automated phone answering system. Doing so means replacing call centre operators. Management has calculated the savings by cutting back on labour costs. However, this goal of presumed long-term stability comes at the cost of jobs; yet providing jobs was a goal of the EU regeneration grant. Quite naturally the call centre operators are distressed and disagree. This Social Impact Statement (SIS) examines the issue in-depth. The goal is to find options that perhaps can be smartly used to satisfy all parties that are affected by Edgewire's conversion to an automated phone answering system. ... This SIS comes somewhat late. Edgewire management's decision is almost fait accompli. They are reluctant to discuss the inherent conflict-of-interest or negotiate the core issues. They stalled before acquiescing to the independent evaluation requested by the call centre operators' Trade Union. 1.1 The New System and Its High-Level Benefit - Reduce Costs 2,310,000 Yearly In addition to cost savings, two features of the proposed automated phone answering system are quite attractive. It will be a "decision support system" (DSS) as well as a "knowledge based system" (KBS). DSS tells call centre personnel specific decision information each customer already made about an adventure holiday and left on the automated phone system. KBS is a standardisation of holiday packages for customers who don't need special customising. Management believes these new ways to do business streamline operations and save labour costs, thus better ensuring Edgewire's long-term financial wellbeing and economic stability. Here are supporting data. Staffing Current Staff Current Cost Proposed - New Staffing Level Cost with New System Savings Call Centre operators 200 4 million 50 1.25 million 2.75 million System Update Officers -0- -0- 20 0.5 million -0.5million Line Managers 10 300,000 10 300,000 -0- Drop-in centre 3 60,000 -0- -0- 60,000 Totals 213 4,360,000 80 2,050,000 2,310,000 1.2 Stakeholders Stakeholders have not been apprised or consulted. Until now only Edgewire's management (primary stakeholder) has had input on decision making about the automated phone answering system. Nobody knows with certainty how Edgewire's customer base (another primary) will react. Management lacks 100% unity. Dissention exists. Anxieties are growing

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

PHILOSOPHY OF MINISTRY PAPER Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

PHILOSOPHY OF MINISTRY - Research Paper Example Therefore, this basis directs the thesis that the church as an organization evolution today is deviating from the core purpose and failing as the expectation of Christ would be2. The organization structures, the leadership and pastors’ role in the church, in addition to the family involvements, and challenges in the ministry are causes to the deviation evident today. The ultimate calling of the pastor originates from their intimacy with Jesus Christ, the spirit and the Father. To the pastor, their source of joy, faithfulness and fruitfulness draws from their obedience in Lord Jesus Christ. The exemplary leadership of Jesus to the church remains he mentor to the establishments of pastors’ foundations. Christ in his leadership example, teachings and living, he commanded respect from his foundation of taking the yoke and doing the will of the father3. Therefore, this realistic example of leadership is what defines the expectation of the role of pastor in leading the congregation. The ministry philosophy edges from the commandment of love, in which Christ showed his example by taking the yoke of the sinners because he loved them. When the pastor accepts the responsibility to the call, to lead people, they acknowledge the expectation to take the yoke of the people, and live in ramification of the love Christ4. Therefore, a pastor’s life is more that what we see on every Sunday morning at the cathedral gatherings. For a pastor, the ability to see beyond the personal needs and expectations of oneself and into the heart of others develops a Christ-like image within the pastor. Therefore, to achieve a successful relationship with Christ, and live an exemplary life imitating the imagery of Christ, love must abide within the heart of a pastor. It is a choice that pastors must make, to love and help others as they lead them. When a person accepts the calling to pastor, he gives the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

New Approaches Of Human Resource Management Business Essay

New Approaches Of Human Resource Management Business Essay Human resource Management is the backbone of organisations growth in this changing business world. Organisations are having are a large budget and a separate development for HRM due to the internationalisation and globalisation phenomen. The importance of HR in the UK has increased during the past years, which has led organisations to review their policy on handling human resource which in some case is the core competence of the organisation. The term HRM and HR have largely replaced the term personnel management in managing people in the organization. Historical development of HRM. HRM has developed over time from mere administrative role to modern role of strategic development. Strategic HRM has gained both credibility and popularity over the past decade, employee are considered as part of the overall strategy Personnel Management Human Resource Mgt. Nature of relations Focus individualistic Contractual basis Focus unitarist -vision and mission -Employees as partners in the org. Relation of power and Mgt. Centralized Top management full authority Decentralized -Power shared between top, middle and lower mgt. -TQM approach -Bottom up approach Leadership and Mgt Role Transactional Task oriented focus on procedures punishment for non compliance Transformational people oriented -focus on shared vision. Corporate culture and vision, trust and flexibility. Pay policies and Job design Based on skills and knowledge -ability to perform the job as per contract -Division of labor no value added -Job design functional based Designed to encourage continuous job performance and improvement -linked to value added -Job design teamwork and cyclical based. -Job Rotation Tesco which operates in a fiercely competitive sector has been successful by using a human resource led business strategy. Although the analysis above show more coordination between employees and employers, the fact is the working environment is more competitive for both parties. On one hand theres organisation like Tesco who is investing a huge budget for the HRM whereby the cost will be recovered through there sales that is being paid by the general public. On the otherhand employees which are with less job security dont have much choice other than to show there commitment and as well having transferable skills with the changing employment market. Human resource practitioner. HR people are the strategic database of organizations. Source ( HR Practitioners acts as the bridge of communication flow between Mangement and employees. Sometimes heavily involved in the operational role, handling grievances and discipline while new demands are made from them. It is quite difficult to measure the effectiveness of the HR as it is so complex. The HR Practitioners should be able to: Add Value demonstrate their impact on the business Recruitment and retention Aware of labor market, recruitment source and key talent retention. Succession planning- Clear workforce development plan Turnover, change to business (technological or legal) Motivation and Engagement Demonstrate that people make a difference (Employee motivation and engagement). Employer of choice To engage the best talent and keep these people engaged. Source ( Mr Vedula Notes ) Line managers in HR practices. Line managers are responsible for group of employee normally in the lower layers of management hierarchy and these employee do not themselves have any managerial or supervisory responsibility. Line Managers Responsibility People management Managing operational costs Providing technical expertise Work allocation and Rota Monitoring and checking quality Dealing with customers/clients Measuring operational performance -performance appraisal Line managers Role In organization like Tesco they a play a vital role in terms of implementing and enacting HR policies and practices. The checkout line managers would be in better position to convince their staff for any overtime or bank holiday shift. As employees feels more positive about the relationship with their line managers. So they are more likely to have higher levels of job satisfaction, commitment and loyalty associated with better performance and discretionary behaviors. Line managers also help in structuring people actual experience of doing a job. They play a crucial role in acting upon the advice or guidance from HR ( Implentation of new legislation selling alcohol to under ages customers). Line managers control the work flow by directing and guiding the work of others. They also have to report to HR about any changes about the number of employees they need or any leavers to fill the gap for. So they always have to work in collaboration with HR. A well managed line managers are more likely to go on to lead high performing teams, therefore the support of senior management and action on the continuous development of line managers are critical. Recruitment and Selection. Recruitment is the process of Attracting, viewing and selecting competent people for a job at an organization. Source ( HR planning and stages involved in the process. Human Resource Planning is the process of analyzing an organizations likely future needs for people in terms of numbers, skills and locations. They uses the right recruitment and training techniques to satisfy these needs. It ensures the firm has right number of people, in the right place, with the right skills at the right time. Tesco need for recruitment arises when there is new outlet opening in the UK and international expansion. There is also leavers , resigners or those who retires to be replaced. Any change in strategy, process and technology might rise to the need of more staff. In Tesco the latest one was the introduction of IT sales assistant in the shop and the self service checkout. Tesco uses a workforce planning table to establish the likely demand for new staff which are quarterly reviewed. Tesco can adjust staffing levels and Recruit accordingly to meet its strategic objectives, for example, to open new stores and maintain customer service standards. A Job description sets out Job title Job holders responsibility To whom the job holder is responsible Asimple description of roles and responsibilities. A Person specification sets out the skills, characteristics and attributes that a person needs to do a particular job. These two tools combine to make the basis for job advertisement. They help job applicants and post-holders to know what is expected of them. They should: Information to attract suitable people Checking device to select applicants with the right skills for interview Targets and standards for job performance. Process for recruitment in two organizations. Tesco internal recruitment The process looks at its internal Talent Plan, internal mgt development programme and options which lists current employees looking for a move, either at the same level or on promotion. In case none of them match their requirement Tesco advertises the post internally on its intranet for two weeks. Tesco external recruitment Tesco advertises vacancies via their website or through vacancy boards in stores. Applications are made online for managerial positions. The chosen applicants have an interview followed by attendance at an assessment centre for the final stage of the selection process. People interested in store-based jobs with Tesco can approach stores with their CV or register though Jobcentre Plus. The store prepares awaiting list of people applying in this way and calls them in as jobs become available. . Tesco will seek the most cost-effective way of attracting the right applicants. It is expensive to advertise on television and radio, and in some magazines, but sometimes this is necessary to ensure the right type of people get to learn about the vacancies. IKEA Recruitment Process Ikea developed global recruitment process, offering higher quality at lower cost by using modern technology. Ikea arrange open days for its future workers where they can chat with existing employees. Ikea recruitment strategy focuses on variety and ethics rather than pervious experience which has keep their turnover very low. Innergy (Agency) helps Ikea managing their recruitment process. BrassRing had been chosen by Ikea as its Global e recruitment platform and was implemented by ARINSO International. The recruitment process was highly manual and non consistent before. This project would allow Ikea to restructure its recruitment processes. Interview technique and selection methods. Interview technique is designed to predict future job performance on the basis of applicants oral responses to oral inquiries. Advantages Highlight communication skills , verbal and social skills Can assess knowledge Compatibility between the applicant and the employees Applicant asked question might help for selection decision .( Pay , Perk or Future studies) Flexible to gather more info. Disadvantages subjective evaluations are made decisions made on the first impression interviewers form stereotypes concerning the characteristics required for success on the job not as reliable as test Interviewers may be biased to candidate they like Interviewers may use multiple, leading ,embarrassing and provocative questions Interviewers may talk more than listening Interview technique has low reliability and low viability. Selection methods Psychometric Testing- good record and liability. Ability Test Focus on mental abilities and physical testing Inventories Self report questionnaires interests, aptitudes and preferences E-assessment Testing anytime and anywhere Loss of control over administration of test Assessment centers Provide fuller picture combining a range of technique Selection practices and procedures in two organisations. Selection involves choosing the most suitable people from those that apply for a vacancy, whilst keeping to employment laws and regulations. Screening candidates is vital within the selection process ens8uring the best candidate fit the gap. Line managers for the job often take part in the interview to make sure that the candidate fits the job requirements. Tesco selection external management stages IKEA recruits people based on fact they will be suitable on the culture. As stated above the selection process is mostly carried out by agency but within IKEA there are development methods which include training, coaching and performance management. As such creating a source of internal recruitment as Tesco has, but the process of external recruitment is carried out by the agencies mostly Procedures for monitoring and rewarding the employee. Employers have always monitored their staff in one way or another because they have always needed to be able to check the quality and quantity of their employees work. Helping to identify the need for training, refresher courses or appraisal. Job evaluation and factors determining pay.. A method of determining on a systematic basis the relative importance of a number of different jobs used when: Determining pay and grading structures Ensuring a fair and equal pay system Ranking. Jobs are compared to each other based on the overall worth of the job to the organization. Advantages Simple. Very effective for few jobs Disadvantages Difficult to administer -jobs increases. Rank judgments are subjective. Process to be repeated for each new job to be filled. Classification Jobs are classified into an existing grade/category structure or hierarchy Advantages Simple. The grade/category structure exists independent of the jobs. Classification easier than the Ranking Method. Disadvantages Classification judgments are subjective. The standard used for comparison biases Some jobs may appear to fit within more than one grade/category Factor Comparison A set of compensable factors are identified as determining the worth of jobs: Skill Responsibilities Effort Working Conditions Advantages The value of job- monetary terms. Applied to a wide range of jobs. Applied to newly created jobs. Disadvantages Judgments are subjective. The standard used for determining the pay for each factor may have build in biases The point method Each factor is then divided into levels or degrees which are then assigned points. The points for each factor are summed to form a total point score for the job. Jobs are then grouped by total point score and assigned to wage/salary grades Advantages The value of job monetary terms. Applied to a wide range of jobs. Applied to newly created jobs. Disadvantages Judgments are subjective. The standard used for determining the pay for each factor may have built-in biases Reward system. Rewards can be categorized in the above matrix. As well as competitive salaries at all levels, in every area of the business, Tesco also offer a whole package of other ways to help you make more of your money, safeguard your future and look after your health. Motivational theory and reward. National Business Awards, the company just chosen as Employer of the Year was Tesco. In their citation the judges said that Tesco was voted Employer of the Year because its solutions were seen to be more holistic, Tesco have invested  £12m this year alone in training schemes Tescos Employee Reward Program has some similarity to Taylors theory. Its financial reward packages are a motivating factor. At Tesco the Mayo theory is seen to be operating throughout the company. Communication is an extremely important factor in motivating employees. In 1959 Frederick Herzberg developed the Two-Factor theory of motivation Abraham Maslow argued that humans are motivated by five essential needs Tesco promote new and more open lines of communication between managers and staff Directors and senior managers spend a week on the shop floor listening to ideas and suggestions from customers and staff; A talent spotting scheme to fast-track shop-floor workers up the promotional ladder A better understanding of individual employee circumstances. The result of all these initiatives is that Tesco is continuing to show record sales growth and profits .Employees highly trained are demonstrating commitment to the organisation and feels valued within the overall strategy. This if felt by customer with a higher level of service which gives organisation added value and prestige. Organizations approaches to monitoring performance. Tescos purpose is to serve its customers. Tescos organizational structure has the customer at the top. Tesco needs people with the right skills at each level of this structure. There are six work levels within the organization. Each level requires particular skills and behaviors. Work level 1 frontline jobs ability to work accurately and with enthusiasm and to interact well with others. Work level 2 Team leaders the ability to manage resources, to set targets, to manage and motivate others. Work level 3 running an operating unit management skills, including planning, target setting and reporting. Work level 4 supporting operating units and recommending strategic change. Business knowledge, analytical skills and to make decisions, and the ability to lead others. Work level 5 responsible for the performance of Tesco as a whole. ability to lead and direct others, and to make major decisions. Work level 6 creating the purpose, values and goals for Tesco plc. a good overview of retailing, and the ability to build a vision for the future and lead the whole organization. Rights and procedure on exit from an organisation. Evaluation of exit procedures and compare to best practice. When skills are relatively scarce, recruitment is costly and it takes several weeks to fill a gap the level of turnover is likely to be problematic for the org. The operation of an Exit Procedure is extremely important as it helps the company To identify and correct hidden organizational and management problems It enables the organisation to comply with its legal duty to monitor the reasons why people is leaving It helps to ensure the return of Company property It enables a proper handover of work and administrative matters to take place to examine the reasons why people are leaving to identify whether any improvements in employment practice could be made UW-EXTENSION ADMINISTRATIVE POLICY UW-EXTENSION EXIT POLICY AND PROCEDURES Resignation: If an employee decides to leave employment with Extension, the employee is responsible for providing adequate written notice The employee will receive written confirmation of the resignation from the hiring Exit Questionnaire: All separating employees shall complete an Exit Questionnaire,available from the supervisor or divisional personnel representative, and bring thecompleted questionnaire to the exit interview Exit Interviews: Prior to the last day worked, an exiting employee will have an exit interview. theemployee and supervisor are encouraged to discuss any matters of interest.Information collected during the Exit Interview Process shall be confidential and will notbe used in any way to reflect upon the exiting employee Exit interview data shall be compiled, summarized, and reported to the ExecutiveCommittee on a quarterly basis Other Out-Processing Procedures Matters to be reviewed or collected at this time are: Keys and key cards. Computer access authorization codes. Telephone cards or ID cards. Corporate credit cards. Forwarding address. Identification cards/badges. Return Employee Handbook. Arrange last paycheck and vacation pay.* Insurance conversion and benefits continuation rights.* Tesco exit procedures is not so complex as UW as the nature of the workforce they have is different. They have staffs on temporary contract, part timers and on flexible hours. They do conduct a view point every six months to monitor the workforce concern and appreciation and there is a clause of intended stay with Tesco. Their every little helps slogan is part of the ethos and culture in Tesco. In the SBUS exit interviews are commonly performed in person with the departing employee. More often talking with the departing employee to more completely explore and understand his or her views during the exit interview. Criteria for redundancy selection The selection criteria used by the employer must be carefully and exactly defined so that they can be fairly and consistently applied to each employee. The criteria must also be agreed by the employees representatives Redundancy selection criteria. It must be objective, non-discriminatory and applied consistently. A pool of employees, all or some of whom will eventually be made redundant. Selection criteria for redundancy may be: Skills, qualifications and aptitude these can help keep a balanced workforce. Standard of work performance with this method, you need to provide supporting objective evidence, for example from the business appraisal system. Adaptability it may be important for your business that employees accept different types of work as needs change. Attendance/disciplinary record you must apply this method consistently, and be sure your records are accurate and that you understand the reasons for absences. Length of service -last in, first out, The following criteria are considered unfair and can give rise to claims under Unfair Dismissal or the relevant discrimination laws: trade union reasons carrying out duties relating to redundancy, as an elected representative of the employees maternity grounds sex, race or disability grounds Conclusion. Tesco has been very successful over the past years by a fully intergrated HR department and as such demonstrated a model implementation of HR. The big picture of Tesco strategy is discussed with all employees thus clarifying their role and importance in the organization. The HR department in Tesco is proactive which has allowed the organization to focus on Human resource with such practices with training issues. They perform their task with the Tesco Steering Wheel Strategy and practicing a total quality approach throughout the organization.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Analysis of Photo of the Civil Rights Movement :: Photography

The civil rights movement in the 1960’s was a very powerful time period in this country. Birmingham, Alabama was in the heart of the struggle for equal rights. African Americans protested and fought for what they believed in through peaceful and violent protests. In this picture the struggle is shown on how difficult it was for African Americans to gain equal rights. The photo was taken in the midst of a protest which adds dramatic effect, the people in the photo show pain and the people not pictured make them a faceless foe and the lack of colors in the picture helps send a powerful message. As I look at this picture I feel bad for the hard times that these people had to endure. It makes me upset with the way this country treated African Americans They are fighting for something they believe in and will stop at nothing to earn what they deserve. It shows the powerful message of the movement, which was to gain equal rights and prove that they are equal citizens. The message is to show how these people fought for their cause. The photo does show that they were willing to fight for their rights by capturing the people’s pain in their faces. The photo shows the determination and drive to gain equal rights. I see people running away from water being shot at by hoses to stop the protest for these rights. The water represents the sacrifice for the pain they must endure in order to get what they want. The way the photo was taken only showing the people being abused adds hardship. It does not show the policemen who are spraying the hoses, which makes them seem even more evil and more like the bad guys. This gives the effect of a faceless foe and adds to the drama of the picture. This image shows that the protesters were willing to endure pain to get what they desired and deserved. The people in the background wanting to give up and go home, stay and show that they support their cause and are willing to fight for what they believe in. The man holding the woman shows the power and pain endured during the protest. They show that they are determined to get what they believe but also are being unfairly harassed.